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By Silienne

Dance, Pop

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Earn proceeds

Earn proceeds

for 70 years

First proceeds

First proceeds

4 mth after release


  • Rights:

  • Type:

    Participation Rights

  • Rights Holder:

    Global Rockstar

  • Status:


  • Release Date:


  • Contract Address:


  • Token Standard:


  • Blockchain:


  • Starting from:

    5.00 €

  • Break-even:



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Hand with a coin
Hand with a coin
Hand with a coin
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Maximum amount per payment: 2,500€
sold out

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"Zeitgefühl" ist ein moderner Popschlager Song. Er kombiniert einen elektronischen, treibenden Beat voller Retrovibes mit einem frechen Text und schafft somit einen zeitgemäßen Sound. Der Schlager war übrigens nach Krisenzeiten immer das am stärksten wachsende Genre. Werde Teil der Reise und bring mit mir mehr Positivität in die (Musik-)Welt!!
Hier auf Spotify und Co hören: Link

About Silienne

Hallo! Mein Name ist Silienne und ich bin als Songwriter und Producer aktiv. Immer wieder wurden große Verlage auf mich aufmerksam und boten mir an, meine Songs an Major-Artists zu vermitteln. Doch ich möchte selbst Sängerin meiner Songs sein, weshalb ich mich für Global Rockstar entschieden habe. Nun würde ich mich freuen, wenn ihr euch für mich entscheidet!

You get

Net Proceeds from the commercial exploitation of the master rights of the recording and the song "Zeitgefühl" for 70 years.,,Net Proceeds master rights: All incurring revenues from the exploitation of the master rights (streams, downloads, sync rights – when used for commercials or in movies) less taxes (if applicable) and less a firm distribution fee of 25%.,,You will receive your first royalty statement from streams and downloads approx. 3 months after the release, followed by monthly statements. After that, you will be able to see your earnings on the dashboard of your account and withdraw your earnings or reinvest them in other Projects.

“We envision a world where everyone benefits from the success of music: artists, creators, music rights owners and fans.”

Global Rockstar is a Fintech company & music rights marketplace which allows fans and retail investors to become shareholders in hit songs while offering artists and rights owners a new financing ecosystem via crowd-investing.

Fans and retail investors can purchase the rights to participate in revenues from newly created and already existing music rights, and secure the purchased rights including conjoined digital cover artwork animations as smart contracts in the blockchain. .

Disclaimer: In addition to offering a great opportunity, an investment in a song also entails risks. Nobody can know for sure if a song becomes a hit and you might not recoup your investment within the desired time frame, or in the worst case, at all. The history of music shows: While a big majority or releases do not even recoup their production costs, one becomes a huge hit. Therefore, we advise splitting your investments into several opportunities.

Investors are aware, that the concrete investments is no savings product and that they bear the risk to lose this invested money partially, in total or that they potentially do not earn a return on their investment.

Investors are also aware that the investment is not secured through a security instrument or an official deposit protection system. For further information, please read the risk notice contained in the “Informationsblatt für Anleger” (for Austrians only).