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Wish I Were Prettier

By Ilan Zack


Glittering on the surface but carrying a deeper story underneath, "Wish I Were Prettier" by Ilan Zack is a track that balances infectious energy with raw emotion. Get your share now!

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streams & downloads

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for 70 years

First proceeds

First proceeds

4 mth after release


  • Rights:

    Master Rights
  • Type:

    Participation Rights

  • Rights Holder:

    Ilan Zack

  • Status:


  • Release Date:


  • Contract Address:


  • Token Standard:


  • Blockchain:


  • Starting from:

    4.00 €

  • Break-even:

    2.1 million streams


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Hand with a coin
Hand with a coin
Hand with a coin
Purchase now
Maximum amount per payment: 2,500€
06 Apr 2025, 12:00 CET


""Wish I Were Prettier" is a direct influence of K-pop music I've been listening to lately, inspiring me to make an upbeat, catchy, and danceable song to enjoy at any moment. At the same time, I wanted to write about the body dysmorphia I've experienced since that industry triggered a lot of insecurities about body and image." - ILAN ZACK

Glittering on the surface but carrying a deeper story underneath, "Wish I Were Prettier" is a track that balances infectious energy with raw emotion. Inspired by the vibrant world of K-pop, Ilan Zack delivers a danceable, feel-good anthem that also speaks to something more personal - the struggle with body image, self-perception, and the pressures of perfection.

With an irresistible beat, bright synths, and an addictive melody, "Wish I Were Prettier" is a song made to lift you up while reflecting on the contrast between confidence and insecurity. The lyrics dive into the unspoken realities of idol culture, where glamour and struggle exist side by side.

Musically, the track blends shimmering pop production, K-pop influences, and emotional storytelling. Whether you're dancing in your room or lost in thought, "Wish I Were Prettier" is a song that celebrates self-expression while questioning the impossible standards we hold ourselves to.

Now’s your chance to invest in "Wish I Were Prettier" and be part of Ilan Zack’s journey. Don’t miss the opportunity to own a share of this song and be part of its success.

About Ilan Zack

Hey! My name is Ilan, a 27-year-old songwriter and musician. I've been into music since I was a child, growing to different influences that have shaped my music nowadays. I usually spend countless nights in my bedroom composing, producing, and recording songs that express the human experience, the emotions we barely understand but love to sing about. Starting a more professional journey, I released a few songs, received a lot of love, and even hit 2.5 million views on YouTube with my song "Dim Lights". Now I'm moving forward to create more, working on my first album "Songs to Listen to on Sunday". An attempt to capture both opposite aspects of a human being during free time, the more relaxed/calm and the more reflexive/melancholic.

You get

  • Net Proceeds from the commercial exploitation of the master rights of the recording and the song "Wish I Were Prettier" for 70 years.
  • Net Proceeds master rights: All incurring revenues from the exploitation of the master rights (streams, downloads, sync rights – when used for commercials or in movies) less taxes (if applicable) and less a firm distribution fee of 15%.
  • You will receive your first proceed statement from streams and downloads approx. 4 months after the release, followed by monthly statements. After that, you will be able to see your earnings on the dashboard of your account and withdraw your earnings or reinvest them in other Projects.

“We envision a world where everyone benefits from the success of music: artists, creators, music rights owners and fans.”

Global Rockstar is a Fintech company & music rights marketplace which allows fans and retail investors to become shareholders in hit songs while offering artists and rights owners a new financing ecosystem via crowd-investing.

Fans and retail investors can purchase the rights to participate in revenues from newly created and already existing music rights, and secure the purchased rights including conjoined digital cover artwork animations as smart contracts in the blockchain. .

Disclaimer: In addition to offering a great opportunity, an investment in a song also entails risks. Nobody can know for sure if a song becomes a hit and you might not recoup your investment within the desired time frame, or in the worst case, at all. The history of music shows: While a big majority or releases do not even recoup their production costs, one becomes a huge hit. Therefore, we advise splitting your investments into several opportunities.

Investors are aware, that the concrete investments is no savings product and that they bear the risk to lose this invested money partially, in total or that they potentially do not earn a return on their investment.

Investors are also aware that the investment is not secured through a security instrument or an official deposit protection system. For further information, please read the risk notice contained in the “Informationsblatt für Anleger” (for Austrians only).